The One Device

Brian Merchant

«The hope is that, in not too many years, human brains and computing machines will be coupled together very tightly and that the resulting partnership will think as no human brain has ever thought.»  

— J. C. R. Licklider, 1950



«We aren’t great at conceiving of technologies, products, even works of art as intensely multifaceted, sometimes generationally collaborative, efforts that they tend to be. Our brains don’t tidily compute such ecosystemic narratives. We want eureka moments and justified millionaires, not touched pioneers and intangible endings.»



«You might have heard it said that the computer in your phone is now more powerful than the one that guided the first Apollo mission to the moon. That’s an understatement. Your phone’s computer is way, way more powerful. Like, a hundred thousand times more powerful.»



«Flight represented the pinnacle of human achievement. To raise a heavier-than-air vehicle into the sky was a technological marvel, the fulfillment of a centuries-old dream.»  

— David Nye



«The first computers were people. Skilled laborers working for astronomers and mathematicians, completing lengthy, complex calculations, often in teams, always by hand.  


Computer were human once, and they always would be, to a certain extent. Because that someting better is surely inching along with the help of hundreds of thousands of dicoverers, engineers, laborers, designers, scientists, dealmakers, reserchers, and miners.»